Stuart Smith

Stuart Smith
Dr. Stuart Smith is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Center for Precision Metrology at UNC Charlotte and was cofounder and president of Albany Instruments Inc., NC 2000 and has been actively involved in the origination of InsituTec Inc. 2002 both of North Carolina. These companies specialize in eddy current sensing technologies and fine motion control metrology systems respectively. He started his career in 1977 when he took up a factory maintenance apprenticeship with Miles Redfern Ltd (UK), a manufacturing industry producing rubber and plastic components for the auto industry. After completing his Ph.D. degree at the University of Warwick he continued working at this institute for 6 years. In 1991 he was awarded an engineering secondment by the Royal Academy of Engineering and subsequently spent a year on sabbatical leave working at the Center for Precision Metrology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In 1992, he returned to Charlotte to take up a permanent position.
Throughout his research career his main focus has been the development of instrumentation and sensor technologies, including advanced signal processing techniques, for measurement of surface profile, micro-geometry and displacements, primarily aimed towards the challenge of atomic scale discrimination and modifications. Development of these systems has required the innovation of many high bandwidth, precision positioning and translation systems. This work has resulted in 15 patents, over 80 journal publications, 70 conference proceedings and the authorship of two books (Flexures: Elements of elastic mechanism design and Foundations of UltraPrecision Mechanism Design) the first of which remains in print after 20 years. Current interests include the integration of multi-sensing methods into precision electromechanical systems for nanometer and micrometer level assembly and creation of new instrumentation capabilities for biological and life science studies.
- Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), Engineering Secondment Overseas for the period Oct. ’92 to Oct. ’93 to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- The William States Lee College of Engineering Graduate Teaching Excellence Award (2002)
- Smith S.T. and Chetwynd D.G., 1992, Foundations of Ultraprecision Mechanism Design, Gordon and Breach, London, 348 pages, ISBN 2-88124-840-3, seventh printing before going to electronic press. Now CRC press.
- Smith S.T., 2000, Flexures: Elements of Elastic Mechanisms, Gordon and Breach, London, 430 pages, ISBN 90-5699-261-9.
Conference Proceedings
- Smith S.T., Magnetoelastic displacement mechanisms, Report No. ME66 of the Centre For Microengineering and Metrology, University of Warwick, June 1988.
- Chetwynd D.G. and Smith S.T., 1990, Strength degradation of ground and etched Si surfaces’, in New Materials and Their Applications, ed. by D. Holland, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 111, 493-495
- Schindel D.W., Hutchins D.A., Farahbakhsh B. and Smith S.T., 1990, High temperature, pulsed photoacoustic studies of solids, Proc. IEEE Ultra. Symp., Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 1990.
- Chetwynd D.G. and Smith S.T., 1991, Super-precision slideways research, presented at the LINK Nanotechnology workshop, 25-26th Sept. 1991, Holiday Inn, Cambridge.
- Harb S., Chetwynd D.G. and Smith S.T., 1991, Application and performance of capacitance micrometry as a super precision transfer standard, Proc. ASPE, 4, 17-20.
- Howard L.P. and Smith S.T., 1993, The constant force profiler: A hybrid instrument for nanometric surface metrology, in International Progrees in Precision Engineering, Proceedings IPES 7, ed. Ikawa N., Shimada S., Moriwaki T., McKeown P.A. and Spragg R.C., Butterworth/Heinmann, Boston, 260-264.
- Howard L.P. and Smith S.T., 1993, Using the constant force profiler to investigate the dynamics of mechanical contact at the stylus probe/specimen interface, Proc. ASPE, 8, 326-329
- Xu Y. and Smith S.T., 1993, The determination of squeeze film damping in capacitance based cantilever force probes, Proc. ASPE, 8, 317-321
- Miller J.A. and Smith S.T., 1993, Tunneling current characterisation: An application of an x-ray interferometric calibrated flexure stage, Proc. ASPE, 8, 37-40
- Xu Y., Smith S.T. and Atherton P.D., Judge T. and Jones R., 1994, A metrological scanning force microscope, Proc. ASPE, 10, 23-28
- Badami V.G., Smith S.T., Raja J. and Hocken R.J., 1994, Design of a three dimensional surface profiler, Proc. ASPE, 10, 230-233
- Montiero A., Smith S. T. and Chetwynd D. G., 1995, A super precision linear slideway with angular correction in three axes, in International Progress in Precision Engineering, Proceedings IPES 8, ed. Bonis M., Alayli Y., Revel P., McKeown P.A. and Corbett J., Butterworth/Heinmann, Boston, 525-528
- Chetwynd D.G., Liu X. and Smith S.T., 1995, Controlled force stylus displacement probe, in International Progress in Precision Engineering, Proceedings IPES 8, ed. Bonis M., Alayli Y., Revel P., McKeown P.A. and Corbett J., Butterworth/Heinmann, Boston, 17-20
- Harb S.M., Chetwynd D.G. and Smith S.T., 1995, Tilt errors in parallel plate capacitance micrometry, in International Progress in Precision Engineering, Proceedings IPES 8, ed. Bonis M., Alayli Y., Revel P., McKeown P.A. and Corbett J., Butterworth/Heinmann, Boston, 147-150
- Liu X., Chetwynd D.G., Smith S.T., Beriet C. and Bartlett P.N., 1995, Measurement of friction at light loads in polypyrrole thin film bearings, Proc. ASPE, 12, 368-371
- Chen Kuo-Shen, Montiero A., Trumper D.L., Smith S.T., and Williams M.E., 1995, Spring dominated regime design of a high load capacity, electromagnetically driven X-Y- Stage, Proc. ASPE, 12, 199-202
- Vidic M., Harb S. M. and Smith S.T., 1996, Observations of contact measurements using a resonance based touch sensor, Proc. ASPE, 14, 41-46
- Badami V.G., Smith S.T. and Patterson S.R., 1996, A metrological three-axis translator and its application for constant force profilometry, Proc. ASPE, 14, 391-395
- Abdel‑Aal H. A. and Smith S. T., On the area of contact between two sliding metals, Proceedings of the 13th ISPE/IEE International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics & Factories of the Future 97, Universidad Technologica de Pereira, Colombia, South America, (1997) 86-94
- Beckwith J., Patterson S.R., Thompson D., Badami V.G. and Smith S.T., 1997, Metrology of 13 nm optics for extreme ultraviolet lithography, NRLM.
- Harb S.M. and Smith S.T., 1997, Surface Characterisation Using A Resonator Based Profilometer, Proc. ASPE, 15, 3-9
- Abdel-Aal H.A. and Smith S.T., 1998, The influence of friction-induced heat on the area of contact between sliding metals, SECTAM XIX, 362-370.
- Abdel-Aal H.A. and Smith S.T., 1998, Thermal modeling of silicon machining: Issues and challenges, Proc. ASPE, 17, 19-23
- Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 1998, A vector touch sensor probe, Proc. ASPE, 18, 471-474
- Singh G. and Smith S.T., 1999, Frequency response of stylus probes, Proc. ASPE, 18, 462-466.
- Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 1999, A vector touch sensor probe (a status report), Proc. ASPE, 20, 538-541
- Muralikrishnan B., Singh G., Hsu C.H., Smith S.T. and Raja J., 2000, Rapid stylus profilometer: A two dimensional profiler for cylindrical workpieces, in Precision Engineering, Narayanasamy K. and Srinivasa Y.G. (eds.), Proceedings of the first national conference on precision engineering, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 403-413.
- Smith S.T. and Dogaru T., 2000, A giant magneto resistance based eddy current probe for the measurement of small surface defects, Proc. 6th EPRI Balance-of-Plant Heat Exchanger NDE Symposium, 5 pages
- Smith S.T. and Dogaru T., 2000, A giant magneto resistive eddy current sensor for use as a zero-width coordinate measuring machine probe(invited), Proc. ASPE, 22, 533-536
- Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2000, A lathe tool translator for form error reduction in diamond turning, Proc. ASPE, 22, 256-259.
- Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., Integrated giant magnetoresistive transducer for eddy current testing, Proc. 15th WCNDT, Rome, Oct. 2000.
- Seugling R.M., Jacobs R.H.R, Smith S.T., 2001, Howard L.P., LeBrun T., 2001, A Six Degree of Freedom, Piezoelectrically Actuated Translation Stage, Proc. ASPE, 23, 66-70.
- Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2001, Enhancing Precision Manufacturing Through In-Situ Metrology, Proc. ASPE, 23, 17-22.
- Smith C.S., Schneider R.W., Smith S.T. and Dogaru T., Non destructive testing (NDT) utilizing spin dependent tunneling sensors, MAT2001 Conference, Nuremberg, May 2001, 205 – 210.
- Smith S.T., Yang H. and Seugling R.M., 2001, Polymeric bearings for nanotechnology applications, Proc. ASPE, 24, 70-75.
- Smith C.S., Schneider R.W., Smith S.T. and Dogaru T., 2001, SDT magnetic sensors for non-destructive test and other low-field applications, Proc. Sensors Expo. and Conf., (Advanstar Publications, Peterborough, NH), 417 – 427.
- Smith C.H., Schneider R.W., Dogaru T., Smith S.T., 2002, GMR Magnetic Sensor Arrays for NDE Eddy-Current Testing, Quantitative NonDestructive Evaluation Conference, Bellingham WA, July 14-19.
- Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., Jain P., Iida D. and Bauza M., 2003, PZN Based nano-positioning systems, Proc. ASPE, 26, 113 – 118.
- Smith S.T. and Seugling R.M., 2003, Small volume metrology (invited), Proc. ASPE, 26, 48 – 52.
- Smith S.T. and Seugling R.M., 2003, Design considerations for future small machines, Proc. 3rd COPEN, Banglore December 19 – 20th, ISBN 81-7319-590-0, 20 – 26.
- Smith C.H., Schneider R.W., Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., 2004, Height control for eddy-current detection of flaws under surface coatings, NSF DMII annual conference (Dallas, Tx), 7 pages.
- Yang H., Seugling R.M., Jain P., Peruru H., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J, Otten D., Trumper D.L., 2004, Towards a coarse/fine approach to multi-degree-of-freedom ultra-precision motion control systems: Current status, NSF DMII annual conference (Dallas, Tx), 5 pages
- Yang H., Seugling R.M., Jain P., Peruru H, Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., David Otten and David L. Trumper, 2004, Towards a coarse/fine approach to multi-degree-of-freedom ultra-precision motion control systems, Proc. ASPE., 32, 9 – 14.
- Yang H., Seugling R.M., Buice E., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., 2004, Thin film UHMWPE for precision bearings, Proc. Euspen, 4, 181 – 182.
- Woody S.C., Jain P., Bauza M., Hocken R.J. and Smith S.T., 2004, Characterization of a scanning microscopy tuning fork and optical fiber assembly with an application to biotechnology, Proc. Euspen, 4, 392 – 393.
- Bauza M., Woody S.C., Jain P., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., 2004, Probing System for Rapid Measurement in Manufacturing Environments, Proc. Euspen, 4, 244 – 245.
- Yang H., Seugling R.M., Jain P., Fagan T., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., David Otten and David L. Trumper, 2004, A coarse/fine motion control stage; preliminary studies, Proc. ASPE., 34, 434 – 437.
- Smith S.T., David L. Trumper, David Otten, Hocken R.J., Yang H., Seugling R.M., 2005, Motion control platform for accurate measurement and manufacture of nanostructures, NSF DMII annual conference (Scottsdale, Az), 6 pages
- Bauza M., Woody S.C., Jain P., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., 2004, Design, manufacture and performance evaluation of a rapid probing machine, Proc. ASPE, 34, 28 – 31.
- Buice E.S., Yang H., Seugling R.M., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., 2004, Assessment of thin film UHMWPE for precision bearings, Proc. ASPE, 34, 217 – 220
- Yang H., Buice E., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., Fagan T, David Otten, David L. Trumper and Seugling R.M., 2005, Design and performance evaluation of a coarse/fine precision motion control system, Proc. EUSPEN. Annual meeting, Montpelier, France, 373 – 376, ISBN: 92-990035-0-5.
- Buice E.S., Yang H., Seugling R.M., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., David Otten and David L. Trumper, 2005, A coarse/fine motion control stage; preliminary studies, Proc. ASPE., 37,
- Woody S.C., Bauza M., Hocken R.J. and Smith S.T., 2005, Development of High Aspect Ratio Microscale Force Probes, Proc. ASPE, 37,
- Bernadette T. Donovan-Merkert, Angela Davies, Mahnaz El-Kouedi, Joanna K. Krueger, Jordan C. Poler, Thomas A. Schmedake, Stuart T. Smith, Ed Stokes ” Efforts to Implement a Ph.D. degree program in “Nanoscale Science” at UNC Charlotte” Materials Research Society Symposium KK, San Francisco, CA April 18th 2006
- Bauza M.B., Woody S.C., Smith S.T. and Hocken R.J., 2006, Utraprecision microscale hole scanning metrology, Proc. ASPE
- Elliot K.E., Smith S.T., Elliot G.D. and Moyer P.J., 2007, Combined force mapping and fluorescence microscopy system to study molecular dynamics in live cells, Proceedings of the 7th euspen International Conference – Bremen – May 2007, vol. 1, 41 – 44.
- Nowakowski B.K., Smith S.T. and Woody S.C., 2008, Micro and nano assembly tools utilizing standing wave technology, Proc. ASPE, 44, 526 – 530.
- Yang R.H., Teo C.S., Buice E.S., Liu X., Wang W. and Smith S.T., 2008, Control strategies for a positioning machine at nanometer level, Proc. ASPE, 44, 276 – 279.
- Bauza M.B., Woody S.C., Smith S.T., Seugling R.M., Darnell I.M. and Florando J.N., 2008 Microscale metrology using standing wave probes, Proc. ASPE, 44, 340 – 344.
- Seugling R.M., Darnell I.M., Florando J.N., Woody S.C., Bauza M. and Smith S.T., 2008, Investigating scaling limits of a fiber based resonant probe for metrology applications, Proc. ASPE, 44, 120 – 123.
- Bauza M.B., Seugling R.M., Woody S.C., Nowakowski B.K., Smith S.T., Darnell I.M., Florando J.N. and Fitsos P.J., 2008, Microscale metrology and assembly using standing wave probes, Proc. ICOMM,.
- Chakraborty N., Parker W., Elliot K.E., Smith S.T., Moyer P.J. and Elliott G.E., 2008, Molecular mobility in trehalose loaded mammalian cells: Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements, Proc. ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, FL, manuscript SBC2008-193077.
- Bauza M.B., Woody B.A., Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2009, 3-D surface profilometry of high aspect ratio features, 12th International conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces, Rzesow, Poland, July 2009.
- Bauza M.B., Smith S.T. and Woody S.C., 2009 Development of a novel ultra-precision spindle, Proc. ASPE, (Talk), 47, 14 – 17.
- Nowakowski B.K., Smith S.T., Morris D. and Smith D.T., 2009, Development of a metrological nanoindenter, Proc. ASPE., 47, 271-274.
- Bauza M, Woody S.C., Smith S.T. and Woody B.A., 2010, Microscale surface and form profilometry using a standing wave probe, Metromet Conference, Bilboa, Spain, February.
- Bauza M, Woody S.C., Seugling R.M. and Smith S,T., 2010, Dimensional measurements of ultra delicate materials using micrometrology tactile sensing, Proc. ASPE, 50, 73 – 76.
- Yang H.R., Smith S.T., de la Maza B., 2010, Microprobe metrology study: Latest results, Proc. ASPE, 50, 77 – 80.
- Lin F., Parker W., Smith, S.T. and Moyer P.J., 2010, A fast scanner design for the multi-probe microscope, Proc. ASPE, 50, 89 – 92.
- Hastings D.J., Graham J., Nowakowski B., Smith S.T. and Tomblin J., 2010, A three fingered hand for a micro-assembly system, Proc. ASPE, 50. 93 – 96.
- Nowakowski B.K., Smith S.T., Morris D. and Smith D.T., 2010, Adavancements in development of an ultra-precision, SI-traceable nanoindentation platform, Proc. ASPE., 50, 97 – 100.
- Howard S.C., Chesna J. W., Mullany B. A. and Smith S.T., 2011, Subcomponent developments for a vortex machining test facility, Proc. ASPE., 53,
- Chesna J., Smith S.T., Hastings D.J., Borja de la Maza, Nowakowsk B.K. and Lin F., 2012, Development of a Micro-scale Assembly Facility with a Three Fingered, Self-aware Assembly Tool and Electro-chemical Etching Capabilities, Proc. 6th IPAS conference, Chamonix,
- Lindsey K. and Smith S.T., UK Patent GB 2 221 962 B Precision motion slideways 20 pages (also filed in the USSR and Denmark)
- Lindsey K. and Smith S.T, U. S. A. Patent # 4,944,606 Precision Motion Slideways (1990)
- Bowen D.K., Chetwynd D.G. and Smith S.T., UK Patent 9126066.1 Scanning tip microscope translation mechanism (1991)
- Howard L.P. and Smith S.T., USA. Patent # 5,450,746, Constant force stylus profiling apparatus and method (1995), name erroneously omitted but apparently rectified, yet to find out new patent #.
- Bartlett P.N., Chetwynd D.G., Gardner J.W. and Smith S.T., UK Patent 9318081.9 and 9416444.9, Tunable low friction bearings, filed 1 September 1993.
- Pereira P.H., Muralidhar A., Hocken R.J., Miller J.A. and Smith S.T., USA. Patent # 6,434,845 B1, A two-axis, static and dynamic force characterization device, filed April 1998, accepted May 2002, issued August 2002.
- C. Hsu, G. Singh and Smith S.T., US patent # 6,244,122 B1, Self-aligning decoupled nut mechanism, filed 10-1-98, accepted 04-1-2001, published 6-12-2001.
- Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., USA. Patent # 6,504,363 B1, Sensor for eddy current testing and method of use thereof, provisional patent filing submitted Sept. 1998, patent filed 8th March 2000, accepted December 10th 2001, published January 7th 2003.
- Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., USA Patent # 6,822,443 B1, Sensors and probes for mapping electromagnetic fields, filed 10th September 2001, 54 pages, 99 claims, 43 figures, application # 09/950,093, issued 11/23/2004 with name erroneously omitted, name included on August 23rd 2005 reissue #6,933,717 B1.
- Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., GMR based proximity sensor, preliminary patent filed 12-12-2000
- Woody S.C., Smith S.T. and R.M. Seugling, US Patent # 6,707,230 B2, Closed loop control systems employing relaxor ferroelectrics, provisional patent filed july 2001, accepted October 2003, issued March 16th 2004.
- Smith S.T. and Brinkley D., 2001, A nanotransistor, provisional patent filed sept. 2001, to be refiled.
- Smith S.T., Woody S.C., # 7,308,747, Method of positioning a platform relative to a fixed frame and a small scale positioning device, provisional patent filed January 2003, applied for December 30th 2004 #2004 0261249 A1, issued December 18th 2007.
- Woody S.C., Smith S.T., Iida D., Jain P., A Method Employing A DSP Based Programmable AC Bridge Reference to Enhance Reactance-based Displacement Sensing, provisional filed November 2003.
- Bauza M., Hocken R.J. and Smith S.T., Patent #7,278,297 B2, An oscillating probe with a virtual probe tip, provisional filed 11-2003, internal file # COEN-CPM-IR-2003-053, full patent filed 11-16-04 serial # 10/989,744 and PCT serial # PCT/US04/38,446, issued Oct. 9th 2007.
- Bauza M., Woody S.C., Jain P. and Smith S.T., Patent #6,901,677 B2, Method and Apparatus for Using a Closed Loop Controlled Actuator for Surface Profilometry, provisional filed 5-2003, internal reference # COEN-MEC-AA-2003-027, applied for November 11th 2004 #20040221465 A1, awarded June 7th 2005.
- Bauza M., Smith S.T. and Woody S.C., US Patent #7,815,373 B2 A symmetric spindle design, Provisional patent filed April 2004, # COEN-CPM-IR-2004-018, filed April 2005, 0242258 A1, issued October 19th 2010.
- Ellis J., Smith S.T., Hocken R.J., #7568381 B2 Method and apparatus for surface property measurements and profiling indentations with in-process compensation of instrument frame distortions, Preliminary patent filed May 2006, full patent filed May 2007, accepted April 17th 2009, issued August 5th 2009.
- Buice E.S., Smith S.T. and Yang H., Vacuum compatible feedscrew mechanism, written but never filed.
- Woody S.C., Bauza M. and Smith S.T., US Patent #7,735,358, Self-sensing devices and associated methods for micro and nanoscale manipulation and assembly, filed 15th June 2007. US patent application 20070240516 A1,. Issued June 15th 2010.
- Woody S.C., Bauza M. and Smith S.T., US Patent #7,900,506 B2, 2007, Multi-dimensional standing wave probe for microscale and nanoscale measurement, manipulation and surface modification, Appl# 11/956,915, 12/14/2007, publication # 2008/0202222, Issued March 8th 2011.
- Bauza M. and Smith S.T., Multi-wall fiber bundle designs for manufacture of compact fuel cells, preliminary patent filed September 25th 2008.
- Bauza M. and Smith S.T., Fiber bundle designs for manufacture of micro-reactors, preliminary patent filed September 25th 2008.
- Smith S.T., Nowakowski B.K., Mullany B. and Woody S.C., Surface Modification by Induction of Localized Fluid Circulation, Preliminary US 61/098,296, filed 10/15/2008.
- Woody S.C., Woody B.A., Bauza M.B., Smith S.T., Chakraborty N., Standing wave fluidic and biological tools, filed February 2009, pub. No. US2009/0288479 A1.
1. Smith S.T., Chetwynd D.G. and Bowen D.K., 1987, Design and assessment of monolithic high precision translation mechanisms, J. Phys. E, 20, 977-983.
2. Lindsey K., Smith S.T. and Robbie C.J., 1988, Sub-nanometer surface texture and profile measurement with ‘Nanosurf 2′, Annals of the CIRP, 37, 519-522.
3. Smith S.T., 1990, The machining of silicon with high speed miniature diamond cutters, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 23, 607-616
4. Smith S.T. and Chetwynd D.G, 1990, Optimisation of a magnet/coil force actuator and its application to linear spring mechanisms, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., 204(C4), 243-253
5. Bowen D.K., Chetwynd D.G., Schwarzenberger D.R and Smith S.T., 1990, Sub-nanometer transducer characterisation by x-ray interferometry, Precision Engineering, 12(3), 165-171
6. Chetwynd D.G., Cockerton S.C., Smith S.T. and Fung W.W., 1991, The design and operation of monolithic x-ray interferometers for super precision metrology, Nanotechnology, 2(1), 1-10.
7. Chetwynd D.G. and Smith S.T., 1991, High precision surface profilometry: From stylus to STM, in From Instruments to Nanotechnology, ed. Gardner J.W. and Hingle H.T., Gordon and Breach, London, 273-300.
8. Smith S.T., 1991, Nanoactuators for controlled displacements, in From Instruments to Nanotechnolgy ed. Gardner J.W. and Hingle H.T., Gordon and Breach, London, 301-319.
9. Smith S.T., Chetwynd D.G. and Bowen D.K., 1991, Calibration of height measuring probes, SPIE, 1573, 225-236
10. Smith S.T., Chetwynd D.G. and Jackson D., 1991, Manufacture of large scale devices in single crystal silicon by high speed grinding, SPIE, 1573, 53-61
11. Smith S.T. and Liu X., 1992, A profilometer for surface proximity probe applications, Nanotechnology, 3, 37-41
12. Chetwynd D.G., Liu X. and Smith S.T., 1992, Signal fidelity and tracking force in stylus profilometry, Int. J. Mach. Tools & Manuf., 32(1/2), 239-245.
13. Harb S., Smith S.T. and Chetwynd D.G., 1992, Subnanometer behaviour of a capacitive feedback, piezoelectric displacement actuator, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 63(2), 1680-1689.
14. Smith S.T., Harb S. and Chetwynd D.G., 1992, Tribological properties of polymeric bearings at the nanometer level, J. Phys. D., 25(1A), 240-248.
15. Liu X., Smith S.T. and Chetwynd D.G., 1992, The friction between a diamond stylus and a surface at low load, Wear, 157, 279-294.
16. Howard L.P. and Smith S.T., 1992, Long range constant force profiling for measurement of engineering surfaces, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 63(10), 4289-4295.
17. Schindel D.W., Hutchins D.A. and Smith S.T., 1992, A study of materials at high temperature using miniaturized resonant tuning forks, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 92(4), 2314A
18. Smith S.T., Harb S., Eastwick-Field V., Yao Z.Q., Bartlett P.N., Chetwynd D.G. and Gardner J.W., 1993, Tribological properties of electroactive polymeric thin film bearings, Wear, 169, 43-57
19. Liu X., Chetwynd D.G., Smith S.T. and W. Wang, 1993, Improvement of stylus measurement fidelity by active damping control, Meas. Sci. Technol., 4(12), 1330-1340
20. Liu X., Smith S.T. and Chetwynd D.G., 1993, Long range tunnelling profilometry, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 64(11), 3161-3168.
21. Chetwynd D.G., Harb S., Krylova N. and Smith S.T., 1993, Extended range monolithic x-ray interferometric calibrators, Nanotechnology, 4(4), 183-193
22. Howard L.P. and Smith S.T., 1994, A metrological constant force profiler, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 65(4), 892-902.
23. Smith S.T. and Howard L.P., 1994, A precision, low force balance and its application to atomic force probe characterisation, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 65(4), 903-909.
24. Smith S.T., Chetwynd D.G. and Harb S., 1994, A simple two-axis ultraprecision actuator, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 65(4), 910-917.
25. Daniels A.M., Smith S.T. and Lewis M.H., 1994, A scanning electron microscope based hardness indentation tester, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 65(3), 632-638
26. Schindel D.W., Hutchins D.A., Smith S.T. and Farahbakhsh B., 1994, High-temperature pulsed photoacoustic studies of surface waves on solids, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 95(5), 2517-2524.
27. Gardner J.W., Chetwynd D.G., Smith S.T., Harb S.M., Yao Z.Q., Bartlett P.N. and Eastwick-Field V., 1994, Electropolymerized films for low friction microactuator bearings, Sensors and Actuators, A41, 300-304
28. Xu Y. and Smith S.T., 1995, Squeeze film damping of a cantilever beam with a concentrated mass on the free end, Precision Engineering, 17(2), 94-100.
29. Badami V. G., Hefner S. and Smith S.T., 1995, Wavelet analysis for the assessment of localized spectral variations in surface topographic data, ASME DE84(1) Design and Engineering Technical conferences, 3(A), 1381-1385
30. Smith S.T., 1995, Miniature nanoactuators, in Advances in Actuators, ed. Dorey A.P. and Moore J.H., Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, Chapter 6, 112-134
31. Miller J.A., Hocken R.J., Smith S.T. and Harb S., 1996, X-ray calibrated tunneling system with a thermally stable nanometer positioner, Precision Engineering, 18(2/3), 95-102
32. Xu Y. Smith S.T. and Atherton P.D., 1996, A metrological scanning force microscope, Precision Engineering., 19(1), 46-55
33. Badami V.G., Smith S.T., Raja J. and Hocken R.J., 1996, Design of a three dimensional surface profiler, Precision Engineering., 18(2/3), 147-156
34. S.T. Smith, 1996, Displacement calibration using x-ray interferometry, in Procedures in Scanning Probe Microscopies, ed. R. Colton et al., J. Wiley and Sons.
35. Montiero A.F., Smith S.T. and Chetwynd D.G., 1996, A super-precision linear slideway with angular correction in three axes, Nanotechnology, 7(1), 27-36
36. Chetwynd D.G., Krylova N.O. and Smith S.T., 1996, Metrological x-ray interferometry in the micrometer region, Nanotechnology, 7(1), 1-12
37. Chetwynd D. G., Liu X. and Smith S.T., 1996, Controlled force stylus displacement sensor, Precision Engineering, 19(2-3), 105-111
38. Smith S. T., Badami V. G., Dale J. S. and Xu Y., 1997, Elliptical flexure hinges, Rev. Sci. Instrum, 68(3), 1474-1483
39. Schindel D.W., Hutchins D.A. and Smith S. T., 1997, A study of materials at high temperature using miniaturized resonant tuning forks and noncontact capacitance transducers, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 102(3), 1296 – 1309.
40. Abdel-Aal H.A., Smith S.T. and Patten J.A., 1997, On the development of surface temperatures in precision single-point diamond abrasion of semiconductors, Int. Comms. in Heat and Mass Transfer, 24(8), 1131 – 1140
41. Vidic M., Harb S. M. and Smith S.T., 1998, Observations of contact measurements using a resonance based touch sensor, Precision Engineering, 22(1), 19-36.
42. Abdel-Aal H.A., Smith S.T., 1998, On friction-induced temperatures of rubbing metallic pairs with temperature dependent thermal properties, Wear, 216, 41-59
43. H. A. Abdel-Aal and S.T. Smith, 1998, Thermal compatibility of metallic pairs in sliding contact, Int. Comms. in Heat and Mass Transfer, 25(5), 599-608
44. Liu X., Chetwynd D.G., Gardner J.W., Smith S.T., Bartlett P.N. and Beriet C., 1998, Measurements of tribological properties of polypyrrole thin film bearings, Tribology International, 31(6), 313 – 323.
45. Son Phan, Keanini R.G., Smith S.T. and Hocken R.J., 1999, Resonance based force measurement: prelude to high-resolution anemometry for liquid metal flows, Proceedings of the ASME: Heat Transfer Division, 364(4), 3-13.
46. Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., 2000, Detection of cracks near sharp edges using a GMR eddy current sensor, SPIE, 3994, 2111-2116.
47. Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., 2000, Edge crack detection using a giant magnetoresistance based eddy current sensor, NDT and E, 16, 31-53.
48. Keanini R., Son Phan, Smith S.T. and Hocken R.J., 2000, Resonance based pressure measurement and anemometry for high temperature flows: Design principles and preliminary results, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, 27(2), 273 – 284.
49. Dogaru T. and Smith S.T., 2001, A GMR based, eddy-current sensor, IEEE Trans. On Magnetics, 37(5), 3831-3838.
50. Dogaru T., Smith C.H., Schneider R.W. and Smith S.T., 2001, New directions in eddy current sensing technology, Sensors Magazine, 18(6), 52-56.
51. Phan J.V., Hocken R.J., Smith S.T. and Keanini R.G., 2002, Simultaneous measurement of spatially separated forces using a dual-cantilever resonance-based touch sensor, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 73(2), 318 – 322.
52. Seugling R.M., LeBrun T, Smith S.T., Howard L.P., 2002, A six degree-of-freedom precision motion stage, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 73(6), 2462 – 2468.
53. Chen K. –S., Trumper D.L. and Smith S.T., 2002, Design and control for an electro-magnetically driven XYq stage, Precision Engineering, 26(4), 355 – 369.
54. S.C. Woody and S.T. Smith, 2003, A vector touch sensor probe: An experimental study, Precision Engineering, 27(3), 221 – 233.
55. Smith C.H., Schneider R.W., Dogaru T., and Smith S.T., 2003, GMR magnetic sensor arrays for NDE eddy current sensing, Rev. Prog. In Quantitative NDE, 22, 419 – 426.
56. Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2004, Performance comparison and modeling of PZN, PMN and PZT stacked actuators in a levered flexure mechanism, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 75(4), 842 – 848.
57. Smith C.H., Schneider R.W., Dogaru T., and Smith S.T., 2004, Eddy current testing with GMR magnetic sensor arrays, Rev. Prog. In Quantitative NDE, 23, 406 – 413, ISBN 0-7354-0173-X.
58. Dogaru T., Smith C.H., Schneider R.W., and Smith S.T., 2004, Layered structures using GMR-based eddy current probes, Rev. Prog. In Quantitative NDE, 23, 398 – 405, ISBN 0-7354-0173-X.
59. Jain P., Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2004, Dynamic precision with embeddable DSP’s, Sensors Magazine, 21(7), 1– 8.
60. Woody S.C., Smith S.T., Rehrig P.W. and Xiaoning J., 2005, Performance of single crystal Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)-32%PbTiO3 stacked actuators with application to adaptive structures, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, 075112 (8 pages).
61. Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2005, Steering mirror design and dynamic controls for a dual-actuation platform using high-strain actuators, Proc. AIAA, (21 pages).
62. Bauza M., Woody S.C., Hocken R.J, and Smith S.T., 2005, Development of a virtual probe tip with an application to high aspect ratio microscale features, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76(9), 095112(8 pages).
Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, October, 2005, see Vjnano.
63. Buice E.S., Yang H., Seugling R.M., Smith S.T. and Hocken R.J., 2005, Evaluation of a novel UHMWPE bearing for applications in precision slideways, Precision Engineering, 30, 185-191.
64. Bauza M., Woody S.C., Smith S.T. and Hocken R.J., 2006, Development of a rapid profilometer with an application to roundness gauging, Precision Engineering, 30(4), 406 – 413.
65. Smith S.T. and Seugling R.M., 2006, Review paper: Sensor and actuator considerations for precision, small machines, Precision Engineering, 30(3). 245 – 264.
66. Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2006, Damping of a thin-walled honeycomb structure using energy absorbing foam, J. Sound and Vibration, 291, 491-502.
67. Woody S.C. and Smith S.T., 2006, Design and performance of a dual drive system for tip-tilt control of a 300 mm mirror, Mechatronics, 389 – 397.
68. Woody S.C., Bauza M., Smith S.T. and Thompson M., 2008, Single and multi-sine DFT with an application to precision capacitive sensors, Precision Engineering, 32(2), 79 – 87.
69. Ellis J.D., Smith S.T. and Hocken R.J., 2008, Alignment uncertainties in ideal indentation styli, Precision Engineering, 32(2), 207 – 214.
70. Liu X., Yue Z., Cai Z., Chetwynd D.G. and Smith S.T., 2008, Quantifying touch-feel perception: Tribological aspects, Meas. Sci. Technol., 19, 084007 (9 pages).
72. Woody S.C., Nowakowski B., Bauza M. and Smith S.T., 2008, Standing wave probes for micro-assembly, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 79, 085107 (9 pages).
73. Nowakowski B., Smith S.T., Mullany B.A. and Woody S.C., 2009, Vortex Machining: Localized surface modification using an oscillating fiber probe, Machining science and technology, 13(4), 561 – 570.
74. Lin F., Elliott K.E., Parker W., Chakraborty, N., Teo C-S., Smith S.T., Elliott G.E., Moyer P.J., 2009, Confocal and force probe imaging system for simultaneous three dimensional optical and mechanical spectroscopic evaluation of biological samples, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 80(5), 055110 (7 pages). Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 19(23), 2009. Vjnano and the Virtual Journal of Biophysics Research, 17(11), 2009 Vjbio .
75. Buice E.S., Otten D., Yang H., Smith S.T. Hocken R.J. and Trumper D.L., 2009, Design evaluation of a single axis, precision controlled positioning stage, Precision Engineering, 33, 418 – 424.
76. Moyer P.J., Parker W.P., Lin F and Smith.S.T., 2010, High-resolution intracellular viscosity measurement using time-dependent fluorescence anisotropy, Optics Express, 18(16), 16608 – 16617. Also in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, 5(12).
77. Lin F., Smith S.T. and Ghazanfar H., 2011, Knife edge position transducer performance studies, Precision Engineering, submitted.
78. Bauza M.B., Woody S.C., Woody B.A. and Smith S.T., 2011, Surface profilometry of high aspect ratio features, Wear, 271, 519 – 522.
79. Nowakowski B., Smith S.T., Pratt J., Shaw G. and Strayhorn R., 2011, Electrolysis for precision mass removal, Rev. Sci. Instrum., to be cleared at NIST prior to submission.